Mar 1, 2013
Sep 14, 2011
--- Frank Herbert, Dune - Bene Gesserit Litany Against Fear
---- Lt. John B. Putnam Jr. (1921-1944)
Jan 1, 2010
Reflecting on now.

I sit here at my desk a few minutes before the new decade arrives. I just had a great dinner with good friends, all of which I only know through diving in Cozumel. I find myself reflecting (like we all seem to do this time of year) on what events have shaped my now. What things caused me to sit here at my desk in Cozumel right now?

10 years ago to this minute I was a new diver. We were welcoming in a new millennium. I was in the middle of my 10th open water dive. Actually I was not in open water. It was in a cavern in Ginnie Springs Florida. I was certified a week prior in California and I was on my very first dive trip. I was 35 feet under in a 73 degree fresh water cavern. There were 30 other divers in the same cavern but there was plenty of room. It was dark. We had all turned our lights off. It was really dark. Darker than normal dark. Normally when we can’t see we still can feel the sound waves around us and, even if it is unconsciously, we still feel our surroundings fairly well. In a cave underwater with no light you lose all sense of space and position. Your mind plays tricks. You think you see lights, sometimes your eyes flash to the sides as if a strobe was firing. You hear only your breath. You feel only your bubbles and the gentle flow of the water around you. It is the finest bit of sensory deprivation I have ever known.
Then in the distance the lead divers shake up chemical lights and release the liquid into the water stream. At first it seems relatively bright because my eyes are completely adjusted to the darkness. I have maxed out the visual purple in my eyes and still see nothing for there is no light to see, except for the tiny green and orange dots that disperse in the water and drift towards me. At first they seem bright but as they get closer and diffuse into the water of the cavern they become almost invisible. But as my eyes struggle to make out what light is there, I notice the tiny dots of light drifting in 3 dimensional space. It is as if I have been magically transported to a distant universe and I am the only person in it. It is my universe. I own it and I control it. In my mind there is no time. There is no gravity. There is no awareness. The sound of my breath and my beating heart is the only reality I know. I was reborn! My life would never be the same and I knew it the instant they turned the lights back on, that moment when my newly found universe disappeared and I was blasted back to reality.
Now my reality. Back in front of my desk in Cozumel. The experience I had exactly 10 years ago forever transformed my future. Now I am the owner of a successful dive operation in Cozumel Mexico. I show people the universe below the water every day. I take great joy in trying to inspire new divers as I was inspired way back then.
My lifestyle has no resemblance to the cop I was in Los Angeles 10 years ago. I feel detached from that person as if it was not me, and I am thankful. I am in awe of what diving has presented to me. I am humbled by the things I have seen and people I have met. I would have never met these people or experienced such wonders had I not discovered a new world below the surface. But mostly I am fascinated with what might inspire me over the next 10 years.
Open your eyes and see everything before you as if you were a baby! And when you feel inspired don’t be afraid to take what is before you and run with it, because the Universe is yours if you can just see it with new eyes.
Dec 26, 2009
New stuff
So here is a little fresh stuff for the blog.
As an instructor here in Cozumel now for more than 7 years I have seen all kinds of students. Every student responds differently and across the board the hardest skill for them to master is buoyancy. It is also the skill I think is the most important and makes a good diver a great diver.
The basic idea is to control the amount of air you have in your lungs to maintain neutral flotation, neither sinking nor floating. It makes you more efficient because you don’t need to do anything but breathe to hold your position. This is an extra nice benefit here in Cozumel because we are always drift diving. There are many techniques for teaching the basic idea. PADI teaches the fin pivot (laying flat on the bottom and inhaling and exhaling to find neutral) and the hover (staying a couple feet above the bottom with legs crossed and perfectly still) in order to master the skill. For most skilled divers it comes down to feeling when you are neutral. A seasoned diver can feel if they are moving up or down with each breath and they time the inhale, exhale and volume of air they breathe accordingly.
Here is an example. If you feel any time during your dive like you are falling, if your hands are flapping in front of you like a rubber chicken, if you are unknowingly kicking your fins feet down in order to keep from sinking, if you are making a big dust cloud below you as you descend, if you ever run into the coral reef below, then you are negatively buoyant and you need to either breath more deeply or add a few puffs of air into your BCD.
In contrast to that, if you are facing down just so your feet are above you and swimming down, if you are holding onto/reaching for a dive buddy below to pull you down, if you are waving your hands palms up to try and sink, if you always ask for more lead from the dive master who knows to bring some extra just for you, then you can be pretty sure you are positively buoyant and need to dump some air out of your BCD or breathe more shallow. Many seasoned divers will actually put just the right amount of lead on so that when their tank is empty during the safety stop, they have to breathe shallower just to stay under.
One technique I find helps divers learn during a peak performance buoyancy dive is to try to stay within 6-10 inches off the bottom. While flat out in the dive position it is hard to inflate or deflate your BCD and flapping your hands or fins does more harm than good. So in that position, so close to the bottom, your lungs are your only way to keep from touching down. Try it next time you are geared up, see just how close you can get to the bottom without touching. In cave diving it is routine to get that close to the bottom without touching the roof or the bottom in a narrow passage. An advanced way to practice this is actually to turn upside down, feet straight up and see how close you can get your head to the bottom without getting sand in your hair.
Mastering your buoyancy is one of the hardest skills for any diver. There is no way I can get into all the details of it here. When you finally find that it is inherent and you do it without thinking about it you will find your air consumption drops by 20-40% and you end up seeing more and enjoying the dives more every time.
Stay tuned for next month when I go into the finer points of trim and positioning while diving.
Dec 16, 2009
Better late than never
Nov 2, 2009
Bonus shots

Oct 31, 2009

I miss being on the road. I have already been looking into a possible trip to Argentina and the southern most roads in south America. Perhaps planning my next venture on the little mule will help to keep the thrill of riding the Americas alive?