Feb 27, 2009

Wilma part 3

4:03 pm Thursday. 16 hours til Wilma gets jiggy wit it!

I just got back from the water front. I took my little wind meter for some readings. I took 40 knts sustained winds with gusts to 60. It is going to be a very exciting night! There is a little steady rain falling but nothing you would worry about yet. There are some waves hitting the sea wall but the wind is mostly NE now so the waves are running parallel to shore more than into it. Already you can see people are starting to settle in for the evening. The streets are quieter and just about everyone has done what they are going to do to prepare. They have set up shelters at the convention center and other locations to help out migrant workers and others that don’t have anyplace safe to stay for the night.

News break!! We just heard on CNN that we should get on the last ferry out of town!! Hum!!!!! I am sure that the last ferry was at 5 pm last night. It appears Mr CNN is a little behind in the breaking news. He was only 22 hours too late on the warning but thanks for the sentiment. Just wish they had a clue when they are broadcasting to the whole world!! Proof indeed the what you hear on the news is mostly worthless. Don't believe them! They are trying to create hysteria. Jeez!!

I just saw our neighborhood drunk. We affectionately refer to him as thing 1, as he and 3 others are usually drunk together. He had obviously found his daily supply and was well beyond staggering. I would say he was “plastered” and having a real tough time negotiating the middle of the street. The wind definitely was having some effect on his balance. The point being, is that people here are still smiling and wishing each other well. It is not life as usual but it is not so scary as the media would have everyone believe. We see our neighbors and they all say “ya viene”, here it comes! Many are sitting outside on the porches watching the storm come in and are not too upset. They have all seen it before and are well prepared for what is on its way.

It is surely a big one and there is little chance now that it will miss us. Encarna is a little nervous but she is confident that our house will hold up. I am too. The only worry for me is that the island does not take more damage than it can spring back from quickly. The island needs tourists and if they do not come because of reported (those darn reporters) storm damage, then the island will suffer more economically than the damage from Wilma alone. We shall see?

I am going to see if these pix come through. If they do I will send a few more soon.

Ya viene!!!

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