These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
You are probably a little tired of me whining about the weather but OMG this is like Africa hot! Tarzan couldn't take this kinda hot. I don't think I can stay here if it's gonna be this hot.
I was real fortunate to be with some really great friends for the last few days. I stopped in Bakersfield to see my buddy Party Marty. We met in Cozumel but it seems we were old friends long before. We are the same age and know alot of the So Cal scene as kids. He really rolled out the red carpet for me and we at In N out Burgers. OMG yummy hometown goodness. The highlight had to be the favor he pulled in for me. He called a friend at the last minute and got me a 30 min ride in a Bell 47 crop dusting helicopter.
We took off low and slow and flew under the wires most of the way. We got so low the sprinklers from the fields wet the bubble canopy. It was awesome! I owe you huge this time Marty. What a hoot! My smile muscles are still sore.
I stayed with my friend JP in Arcadia most of the time in LA. He let me use his tools and operate on little mule where I did a valve adjustment, changed the oil and filters, and got her all ready for the Mexico portion of the trip,.
It was so great to see him and he took great care of me. We even got to ride motorcycles down to the airport together like the good ol days. I really had a blast with him.
I stayed with Mom and her three babies Tiki, Potter and Sadie. Tiki is the only one that seemed to like me much. We played a lot but potter and Sadie just barked at me like an invader from outer space the whole visit.
I did some work on her house in Africa hot conditions on Sunday. But mom took me dinner at PF Changes in Palm springs which more than made up for the risking of my sanity in the sun for a day. Yummy food! Incidentally! My mom has smoked for the last 50 years. She recently quit and seems to be doing very well. I need all of you to offer her encouragement and scold her if she starts again!
For those of you calling me a slacker I promise to crunch a vid together tonight and get it posted real soon. Back on the road and lovin it!
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
I really enjoyed Portland and Oregon but once into California things got even better. Here are some of the highlights and a vid for ya.
This was one of the first views I got of the California coast line. I wish the picture could really capture what it was like. Light fog most of the day and patchy bits of humidity but nothing worth slowing me down or dampening my mood. LOL
This is part of the redwood forest. It was later afternoon when I got to the area and the sun was falling. It was almost dark with all the shade from the trees but the high canopy really gave the forest an feel all to its own. At one point I was speeding along the road, with the canopy high above and a leave or pit of tree feel in front of me. I actually saw it high above as it lofted down and it hit me in the shoulder as I passed under the trees. It felt like the forest was reaching out to me as if to say "Welcome to our world, why don't you slow down and stay a while?". So I did. The rest of the ride was at a snails pace and I stopped so often to enjoy the forest that I did not find a camp spot till after dark.
Most of the groves of big redwoods are dedicated to someone. They all of have names which kinda bothers me. Many of these trees have been alive for over 2000 years. They are the oldest and largest living things this planet has ever seen! How dare we detract from that to name them after some human who did something a few years ago? I hope these trees are still here long after we are gone from this planet
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
The last couple days have been really great! It is so nice to be among friends and family when I have been on the road so long. Here are some pix of the last couple days.
This is actually in Olympia. It always surprises me just how "GREEN" the US has become. I think Seattle and Portland are leading the way. This is just way too considerate! Free poo bags, how sweet!
This little flower was just too cute to pass up. Anyone know what type it is?
This is Gene and Marylin. They took such good care of me while I was in Olympia. I keep saying Seattle. My bad. I think Marylin looks so good in her new eclipse. It was the first time I had been in a car for a month. Felt so strange to not be on 2 wheels.
This is what the little mule looks like after I finally get all that Alaska mud off of it. First chance to give her a bath since I left Denver last month. Incidentally, I just clicked over 8000 miles on the clock! Roughly half way down the road to Coz!
My Bestest buddy Casey doing an early Bday celebration pic. He and Brenda took me around the town and got me to my interviews then took me to HUGE texas size sushi and really good beer! OMG my stomach was in shock. Especially last night when it was back to top romen noodles and canned corn.
The Oregon coast was worth the wait. This is just south of Lincoln city when I got to the coast. The road was a little annoying to me actually. After being up north in BC where there are so many amazing roads and no cars anywhere the traffic got on my nerves in a hurry.
Every turn brings you to another vista of water and little islands. I was sliding the fog the whole way. It went from sunny to wet and foggy constantly throughout the day.
So I am taking the road slow now and actually taking an extra day to get to my sister's place near San Francisco. I have never been in the north part of California even though I grew up in the state. So I am taking it all in and enjoying the ride. Ride ON!!! Rubber down
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
Seattle didn't seem interested in the story when I arrived so I had a really nice visit with my family Gene and Marylin and just took a nice day off. However Portland has been very busy. I like this city a lot. Casey and Brenda have been taking very good care of me. They even got me an amazing message today as a gift. Wow! I didn't realize how much the ride everyday had knotted me up. I feel a new man now and ready to cruise the Oregon coast.
Last night was my first Live TV spot of the trip. KGW channel 8 has a local show called Live at the Square at 7 pm so I think that is prime time? I was really nervous when I got up there with all the lights and cameras but once it started it went really well.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
The last days ride into Vancouver was really nice. I saw the terrain change a bit as I came down out of the mountains to the coast. Strange for me as I had been paralleling lakes and rivers and streams for the past 3 weeks and suddenly I was on the Pacific ocean. It confused me there for a while just getting my bearings again.
This is a fresh picture of Dave at Marble canyon campground. You can read more about him and his adventures at
This is Erika. I found her in Squamish inn by the water. She is the daughter of Gene and Marylin who I am staying with for a couple days. She runs a hotel there and lives in Whistler. I think I am her uncle or second uncle or second cousins uncle? I don't know how that stuff works.
This is my buddy Russ! We met in Cozumel a few months ago and he was kind enough to show me around and put me up for the night in Vancouver. He is a volunteer at the aquarium there and helps with research projects. He is planning on a project down in Playa del Carmen to track and protect the bull sharks that are becoming so popular there in the winter time.
There was a fire burning nearby on the east side of the mountain range. It filled the air with the smell and smoke for 40 miles.
This is the stream I was chasing up into Whistler. That place is a lot like Aspen. Seems all the rich folks from Vancouver have their winter place so they can ski
The vistas on this side of range were just fantastic. Funny how it changed so dramatically in such a short distance. I think the mountain range traps all the rain on the Vancouver side. So tomorrow early I am off down the pacific coast to see my friend Casey for a few days. Portland is a cool town and I should get some good pix. I will also try to get some pix of Seattle today. I really like the skyline there. Well for a big city anyway.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
I spent last night in campsite and ran across Dave from GB. He was bicycling to Argentina. Really cool guy. I had actually heard about him at a fruit stand the day before. Lionel said he would be a few days in front of me. And I found him! Small world comes full circle once more. Dave has a nice website of his adventures. check it out at
This is the one I wanted to post a while ago. I had to change the music a bit to make it acceptable to YOUtube.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
Got a little inspired so here is a fresh vid to keep your mouses clicking.
This is a water chute where the locals catch salmon. They keep about half of them and tag measure and release the rest. The local families are allowed 20 fish per run which they smoke and save for the winter.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
It has been another great day of riding! I have had fair weather, still no sun but at least not rain, and tomorrow through the weekend is looking down right hot by comparison. So the future looks bright! Ran across another duo of seasoned travelers today. Ollie and Sabastine were from Germany and had been on the road close to 2 years. They started in Asia and have been pedaling along having all sorts of adventures. THey said they would stop by in Cozumel to visit when they get to Mexico.
This poor little guy looks like he is hanging on for a ride but he is actually splatto!
And speaking of Mexico the Jerry from Germany who owns this campground was wearing a Cozumel T shirt today when I met him. I wish I would have got his picture. He and his wife were in Coz last January. They said it was really cold there that day. Must have been a Norte. Super nice folks that run a small campground just south of Prince George. The night is a little warmer today. I am getting really tuned to such things The thermometer says 52 so that is way better than it has been. It also got dark earlier today. 8 pm and I needed my flashlight to make dinner. Who took my sunshine? Things are changin fast but I still have a chill full time. Hopefully when I get to Vancouver it will be sunny!!
This is a natural funnel in the river where the local people are catching salmon. Many of them they just measure tag and release to keep track of numbers. I spoke with a really nice girl there and she said this was a terrible year for fishing. Numbers are down everywhere. Some of the families could not get their full alotment this season. Many of the fish were in the water too long also and starting to die. Looking forward to spending some time with friends and family over the next couple weeks. Not as much camping for this traveler which I have to admit is okay with me. Being cold and dirty all the time does get a little old after awhile even for me. I did get a haircut today so I would look presentable to the fine folks that will be putting me up for a while. RIde on Ride on. Send comments on the vids if you want to see anything particular. Big thanks to Pat of the technical advice on putting them together. Hope I can continue to improve them as I go.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
Of all the things I have posted I hear positive comments about the videos the most so here is another one to tide you over. I hope you like it and I would of course love to hear from you about its' content.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
What a wonderful day on the road! I can’t remember ever seeing so many wonderful vistas and amazing scenes. It’s the kind of stuff I used to see in jigsaw puzzles when I was a kid. The highlight has been the Casier Hwy 37. It starts just west of Watson Lake Yukon and goes about 700 miles South. It is not a fast road nor is it real well maintained. Some of it is actually still gravel but Little Mule loves gravel roads and I have actually been enjoying the bike a lot on this curvy fun little road. If all the roads were like this one no one would ever pay to go into a national park.
Today has been the day for travelers. I met a number of interesting people all traveling today. The first one was Koko. He has been traveling alone by bicycle for over 4 years. Having ridden a bicycle across the US when I was young I knew what it was like to travel by bicycle. He is from Japan and has been all over Europe and Asia. He just started north America a few months ago and is planning to finish in about 2 years at the bottom tip of Argentina. He is writing for a couple Japanese magazines which partly fund his trip but not enough to keep going. He hopes the money will last til he gets to his destination.
I also met Fin and Alex. They are also on bicycles and started about 3 months ago in Anchorage. They are filming a documentary on their trip highlighting climate change along the way. They over estimated the distances and facilities available on Hwy 37 and could not buy any food when the planned to. This left them very hungry with more than a day to travel before any towns. Calories are way more important for them so I gave them all the food I had which will feed them tonight and into tomorrow. Check out their website at They made me sign a waiver for their film as the talent. Unfortunately I did not have any battery in my camera when I met them and did not get any pix or video of them.
Also on a bike I met Steph. She had been on the road for 5 days and expected another 10 or so to get home to Victoria. She is the first solo woman traveler I have met on my journey. I also ran across Bruce today. He and I were both considering the same campsite. He eventually decided to move on down the road a bit and let me have it. Very cool of him. He is on a vision quest to discover what life my offer him next. He is a computer programmer from Santa Barbara California. We knew a lot of the same places. He was not sure if he was going to move to Thailand or find a new focus in his project. He is working on bringing cultures and people closer together using the internet. He believes there is a spiritual side to everyone that needs to be tapped and nurtured to heal the world as we know it. I wish him all the best success in his endeavor.
The cream d la cream of meets had to be yesterday in Carcross Yukon where I met Chrissy and Jake. They have both worked in the dive industry and when I mentioned Cozumel they asked me if I knew scubawoman Sheila. I said of course I knew her and long conversation ensued. We took pictures and sent Sheila an email on the spot. They actually considered working in Cozumel and may still do it but are going to spend at least the winter in Yukon and see how it goes. So as big as this planet is, the ride of Americas taking months to complete, I find the world getting smaller all around me. I have things in common with all these people. It is not such a strange thing to have a wanderlust for travel. It is not so strange to want to do it alone. We all document our journey so that the images and memories remain clear. These are the experiences that will one day make us interesting old people. Maybe I should find a way to do this more often? Hum..
I took video of Bruce and Koko so expect to see vids of them very soon
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
I've had good weather for the last couple days and consequently I'm feeling really great. The road ahead looks clear and soon I will be entering British Columbia again and heading south.
I met up with another rider that was actually headed my way a few days ago. 63 year old Fred was riding a new version of Little Mule and had spent the summer with his kids in North Pole Alaska just south of Fairbanks. He had been traveling by motorcycle his whole life and we shared stories and a campsite for the night. Proof that you don't have to let age stop you. Maybe it just slows you down a bit.
I highly recommend Snag lake just south of beaver creek Yukon. It was one of the most scenic places I have camped and only cost $12. We even got to use the roofed off area because there was no one else around. Even saw my first beaver up close.
I treated myself to a real crappy hotel last night in Whitehorse Yukon. It cost me $100 for a really poor quality little room. I guess they have to make up for the slow winter by charging hight prices the rest of the time. It did have a coin laundry which I desperately needed to use and the bed was warm and dry.
There were a few places along they way that you should try out if you find yourself up this way. In Tok there is a little campground called They are very reasonable and they actually set up a tent for motorcyclists to use. There is also a nice bed and breakfast in Watson lake about 2 km east of town. It is run by a nice German couple and is called Airport bnb I think. It is a nice home away from home. If you are looking for a great deal the 26th street BnB in Anchorage can't be beat. $25 and you get everything you need including the company of some nice travelers at no extra cost.
So here is a little video which kinda sums up my last few days on the road. I hope you like it. I really do.
These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
I spent almost 24 hours in Anchorage. It impressed me about as much as any big city can. It had facilities that I needed but I really couldn’t wait to get out of there. I didn’t really even take many pictures cuz if you seen one US city with a walmart or two you have pretty much seen um all. I did spend the night in the 26th street hostel. For $25 I got a warm dry bed, a hot shower and actually watched a little TV. First time in weeks. It was Mad Max Thunderdome. Forgot how bad Tina Turner was in that movie. The hostel was full of transient types like me. Brian was moving back up to Alaska to be closer to his kids and Alison was a kind soul working on med school and trying to decide if she really wanted to live in a cold climate. I slept very well and enjoyed my time there very much.
In the morning I said my goodbyes and set off in search of a badly needed front tire the Little Mule. All the shops I had called had some but wanted $200 for them. I considered ordering it online and forwarding it to Tok but next day Fed Ex to Tok was going to cost me $65 and take 8 days. So that tells you just how far away from the world they are up here. When next day is actually 8 days from the lower 48 you know you are out there. I finally found the Motorcycle Shop ( no really that is the name of the shop) that had the stock Dunlop tire for $60 and they only charged me $20 to balance it. I worked in the parking lot and replaced it on the rim then handed it to them to balance. It took all of 2 min to balance it so that comes out to about $600 an hour labor rate I guess. Not the bargain I had hoped for doing it all myself. Things are not cheap up here at all.
So I rolled out of town about 1 pm and decided to take advantage of the great weather for some miles back up north towards Tok. I was in no hurry at all really. I stopped often and really enjoyed the ride. Got a little bit of rain but this time I didn’t let it dampen my mood (all pun intended). At one particularly nice vista I sat down in front of a beautiful blue glacier. I took my boots off and aired my feet a little. I lit a cigar and listened to the wind blow through the trees. The serenity of the moment made my ears ring. It was about 5 pm and the sun was still high in the sky. The sky ahead was clear and all was right with the world.
I get a sense now and then of loneliness. It is not bad but so rarely am I not surrounded by friends and people I love. Luckily have a phone and can talk to those I am close to often. The feeling struck me particularly hard today. I had no sense of urgency and can’t think of anyplace I need to be or anything I have to do except enjoy the miles as they roll beneath the fresh rubber of my new tires. I’m not even letting the weather get me down anymore. I know that as I go south the weather will get better.
Little Mule has become my #1 companion. I listen to the hum of the single piston as we trod along the road. When I start it up in the morning I listen to the sound of the battery and starter and know that she is happy and healthy. Each time I stop I look her over. Tire wear, loose bolts and bugs on the windshield are all things I tend to regularly. If Little Mule is happy I have nothing to worry about for SHE will take me to my next vista and beyond. This, I am finding is what really matters as the adventure continues!!
The first rendering of the blog did not work out so well. But it seems this new blog will work out much better. I have even taken the feed direct to my new website at So become a follower if you will and leave a comment now and then if you like the rants