These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
You are probably a little tired of me whining about the weather but OMG this is like Africa hot! Tarzan couldn't take this kinda hot. I don't think I can stay here if it's gonna be this hot.
I was real fortunate to be with some really great friends for the last few days. I stopped in Bakersfield to see my buddy Party Marty. We met in Cozumel but it seems we were old friends long before. We are the same age and know alot of the So Cal scene as kids. He really rolled out the red carpet for me and we at In N out Burgers. OMG yummy hometown goodness. The highlight had to be the favor he pulled in for me. He called a friend at the last minute and got me a 30 min ride in a Bell 47 crop dusting helicopter.
We took off low and slow and flew under the wires most of the way. We got so low the sprinklers from the fields wet the bubble canopy. It was awesome! I owe you huge this time Marty. What a hoot! My smile muscles are still sore.
I stayed with my friend JP in Arcadia most of the time in LA. He let me use his tools and operate on little mule where I did a valve adjustment, changed the oil and filters, and got her all ready for the Mexico portion of the trip,.
It was so great to see him and he took great care of me. We even got to ride motorcycles down to the airport together like the good ol days. I really had a blast with him.
I stayed with Mom and her three babies Tiki, Potter and Sadie. Tiki is the only one that seemed to like me much. We played a lot but potter and Sadie just barked at me like an invader from outer space the whole visit.
I did some work on her house in Africa hot conditions on Sunday. But mom took me dinner at PF Changes in Palm springs which more than made up for the risking of my sanity in the sun for a day. Yummy food! Incidentally! My mom has smoked for the last 50 years. She recently quit and seems to be doing very well. I need all of you to offer her encouragement and scold her if she starts again!
For those of you calling me a slacker I promise to crunch a vid together tonight and get it posted real soon. Back on the road and lovin it!
The first rendering of the blog did not work out so well. But it seems this new blog will work out much better. I have even taken the feed direct to my new website at So become a follower if you will and leave a comment now and then if you like the rants
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