These are the continuing stories of Scubatony as he travels across the continent for Ride the Americas. The 16 thousand mile journey is focused on raising awareness for the National Safety Council's anti-cellphone while driving initiative. Blog post are almost daily and include lots of pictures and stories and a funny video or two. Follow along and enjoy your ride!
The last few days in Texas have been super busy. First of all I have to say the biggest of thanks to my friend Randal and his wife Tania for taking such great care of me while I was in town. They put me up for 2 nights and treated me like a king. Randal is an avid motorcycle rider as well and was really happy to take the little mule for a spin down the road in Fort Worth. He was working nights but each day when he got home from work he took me out and introduced me to friends and showed me around town. Thank you Randal. You are the best my friend!
The highlight for me however was when Randal let me ride is custom chopper. I have never ridden anything like it and we cruised around town a bit so I could see what it was like. SHe is real handful to ride for sure. Makes the Mule feel like a Cadillac. I don't think my teeth have stopped rattling yet. I may need to see a chiropractor as well when I get back to Cozumel.
We also visited a famous custom bike shop called Stokkers. They charged me 8$ a quart for fresh oil for the mule but I did get to see some amazing custom bikes. It is like motorcycle museum that place.
First night we went out to a cool new burger join with Steve, Kelly and Sammi and had the best burgers I think I have ever eaten. We talked about all the stuff I had been missing over the last 2 months and just had a great time. If we could only figure a way to get Sammi off the cell phone for a few minutes. It looks like quite an addiction! I think it may be a sign of the times what the new generation is turning towards. Move adapt or die? I guess I should work on my texting skills?
Texas just passed some new laws about cell phone use in cars. Part of the laws that went into affect on Sept 1 was that cell phones could not be used while in a school zone. It is a small step in the right direction but only a drop in the bucket as to how much more work must be done to get the word out as to the dangers cell phones pose while driving.
Today was a really great day. I met Dave yesterday in Austin and we had a nice dinner and talked a lot about what has been happening with the National Safety Council and Ride the Americas since the trip began August 17th. The press conference was held this morning and there many advocacy groups represented including MADD, Texas DOT, Austin PD and even the Mayor came down and spoke. He has been working for more than 2 years on this issue and finally is making some progress.
As usual I got really nervous just before I went on. Not sure why. At this point I should be used to it. But I just don't feel like a public speaker yet. I think it went well and in the end I think the point was very well made and if we keep the momentum going I am sure we can get people to be more aware of the risks they are taking in their cars each time they use the phone.
I'm staying in a state campsite tonight and they actually have a wifi connection. I guess that explains why it costs $25 to camp here. Into Mexico in a day or two. Still lovin the journey!
The first rendering of the blog did not work out so well. But it seems this new blog will work out much better. I have even taken the feed direct to my new website at So become a follower if you will and leave a comment now and then if you like the rants
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