I left Denver at 8 am this morning. Sandy and Lyle were wonderful as usual and gave me a nice send off.
My only goal for the day was to make it to Cheyanne Wyoming to do another media event by 11 am. When I arrived I met Mike Caltagirone who is in charge there at the National Safety Council chapter. He introduced me around and we chatted until the cameras started showing up.
The media conference was very different today. There were 4 different news crews there and a couple of radio folks. Unlike yesterday where there were many very experienced public speakers each taking turns, today it was all me. At first I was at a bit of a loss. I was not sure how they wanted me to proceed so when they were all ready I just started talking. I made it through the stats on cell phone driving well and made a fair presentation about the trip and my motivation for doing it. I felt I did a good job but I don’t really have a lot to compare it to so I hope it looks good when they broadcast it.
It only took about 2 hours out of my day total so I got back on the road as soon as everyone left. Eastern Wyoming I have to say is not the most exciting state. But the weather was great and the roads were clear. I thought I had a big electrical problem 75 miles east of Casper but it turned out I had a headwind most of the day and I went through my tank a little faster than I expected. I was only getting 43 mpg from that tank which was odd because I had got 51 out of the previous one. Besides that the bike is performing flawlessly. I am having a great time.
I found a little camp ground on a lake about 25 miles outside of Casper. I cost me 7 dollars and it has a roof so I didn’t need to set up the tent. I ate top ramon noodles and had some tea with sugar for dinner. It is very peaceful here. The night is warm and the bugs are not too bad. I saw a beautiful great horned owl at dusk but he would not let me get close enough for a picture. I am going to get to sleep early tonight and get up early to ride on towards the grand Teton mountains on the Western part of Wyoming.

I got up early this morning, packed up and hit the road. As I was packing a guy in a boat yelled over to me that he saw me on the news last night. He said channel 2 news in Casper had covered the story. 2 other people also stopped me today and said they had seen it. I should make it a point to do these events first thing when I get to a new state. Very cool stuff

Ride on ride on!!!
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