Now we be rollin! Actually made some good miles today. 348 to be more accurate. I would have done the same yesterday but I had a little chain problem.
I am not sure why but the original chain was wearing out really fast. It was an Oring type chain which means it should last 15-20 thousand miles. This one had less then 6k on it and it was in sorry shape. I think it would have lasted another 1 or 2k but I am headed into the land of few betweens and finding a chain to fit my bike is not likely in most of Northern British Columbia. There are really only a couple major highways up here and only small towns of 5-10 thousand people.

So at my last major town of Grande Prairie I stopped at Country side motorsports and bought a chain and sprocket. I was going to have them do the job and I would be on my way quickly but their motorcycle mechanic was off on Monday. That means it was up to me with limited tools and only a parking lot to do the job in. They said they didn’t mind so I found an out of the way place with some shade and got it done. Ron was nice enough to help me cut my old chain off and even gave me an extra master link for free just in case. It went fine but took me almost 3 hours to do. Those were 3 hours I really needed to put miles on because I had woke up late.

Last night was a wet one. It rained most of the night. I stayed warm and dry in my tent and slept really well but everything was wet in the morning. I left some stuff tied to the outside of the bike to dry as I rode down the highway. I must have looked like a vagabond biker.
The ride was nice all day. The temperature was 50 most of the day but because of the moist air I had a hard time staying warm. I was never freezing but just uncomfortable most of the day. I have to admit I was hesitant to use the electric vest much after my Jasper dead battery scene.
Looking like I am a bit behind schedule ride wise. I was hoping to make it to Prudhoe bay by the end of the month. It looks like Fairbanks is about 4 days away from here (near Fort Nelson). Then the Dalton Hwy would take me at least 2 days. So that buts me there about 3 days into the month. Not bad really considering the problems with the bike that have sucked a lot of ride time.

Headed for the Yukon soon!
Let the adventure continue!
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