It is a windy day here in Cozumel and according to Lyle it may snow. I am skeptical on that still but who knows. Global warming is coming right?
The island is booming with spring breakers roaming around consuming mass quantities of assorted alcohol and generally adding a rowdy energy to the island.
The diving has been sweet lately. Had some really great folks visiting from Colorado last week. Bill and Nicole were tons of fun on the boat and Kara (from Canada) made some good photo ops on the dive boat. Carlos and I have been really busy lately. This is my first chance to rest in the last 3 weeks so I thought I would write a little update.

On a business note, it looks like Scubatony.com is getting a really nice new face lift soon. The new site is just beautiful. It will maintain the same easy feel of navigation while integrating new graphics and more, more, more pictures that are in a sideshow format to view. Also hoping to have some nice video space integrated as well. Of course I will make the announcement when the site goes live. Anyone think of anything that they would like to see on the site now would be a good time to let me know.

I am hoping to start a new adventure this summer. I recently (thanks to Sandy and Lyle for working out the deal in Colorado) bought an 06 Kawasaki KLR 650. It is a rugged jeep of a motorcycle. Hard hauling, hard hauling tried and true piece of Japanese engineering that is basically unchanged for the last 15 years. It is simple in design and amost indestructable. This indestructability is why I chose it becuase I will be pushing it and myself to the limits of our endurance on the haul road of Alaska. The heading is Prudo bay on the Arctic Ocean. I need to get up there before the weather gets ugly in September then ride all the way down the Pacific coast of the States, into Baja Mexico and back to Cozumel before high season starts. Most of the trip is still up in the air but if I am lucky and can work out all the details, get all the gear, make arrangements here and get underway before August 1st. If I can pull it off expect this blog to be full of activity for the trip, assuming there is internet connection above the Arctic circle.
check out www.clarkejohn.com. lots of good tips.