9 hours til Wilma looks at us with her big eye!
I just got back from the waterfront. I think the proper expression here is Wow!!! I have never seen anything like that before. The waves crashing into the seawall are at least 10 feet and the wall of spray that is thrown up is 30-40 feet. The wind grabs the spray immediately and sends it south like a windshield wiper. I would estimate the wind at over 100 mph but don’t trust my judgment. Remember I have very little experience in this.
There is some damage to trees and a bit of debris piling up near the water front but the water is not approaching the buildings yet. There is about 6 inches of water on the main street but it is washing back out as fast as it gets splashed over the wall. There is no one on the street. I heard one person hammering but I could not see where he was. Perhaps he was nailing from inside.
As I walked I found it hard to keep my eyes into the wind. The wind hit my face like little spikes and I had to shield my face with my hands. At times the wind would gust and push me aside. It was not hard to stay upright but it was something I had to concentrate on. If I stayed in the corners of the buildings I was well sheltered from the wind. If I stepped out I felt very vulnerable. I can just imagine a tin can hitting me at that speed. It would hurt quite a bit.
I guess the sum of all this is that I won’t be going out again tonight. I am going to have to give the remaining reports from the confines of my house. It is made of good solid concrete and cinderblock. No worries for us but some others may have some trouble. Many of the homes inland a bit are not nearly as well fortified.
Wind is blasting and we just heard a big bang outside. It has begun and the rest of the evening will be even more exciting. We still have power for now. I hope it lasts.
It is really blasting right now. I think we caught a surge. So far so good!
Ciao 4 now
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