Well I suppose nature is more compassionate than we might previously have thought. Fallen Feo has been struck vigorously with the lucky stick. Not only is he still alive but seems to have more feathers and putting on some weight.
Indeed he is actually being taken care of by what I assume are his parents. Who else would try and help something like Feo? I have seen the female sneaking up on the nest and dropping down to drop off a snack for Feo on many occasions. I also see a male around watching and shrieking out the danger call. He is usually a good distance (100 ft) away and up high in a safe place when he does this shrieking. It is pretty effective I suppose. This appears to be his sole function as a parent and I must say he does it well. But the female comes and goes with surprising regularity. She stops up on the roof next door first. Then she flies over to the fence on the West side. Then when the coast is clear moves to the ledge just above Feo. She then walks that ledge from tip to tip, all the way to the East then the West side. Once the ledge is secure she stops over the top of Feo's new position. She looks at him intently for about a minute. Feo , of course responds to this. He pokes his little head up and opens up a mouth that you would swear was from a different animal. It is as if his whole head turns inside out to make the mouth target big enough for mom to see. No sound, just a big gapping mouth that needs to be satisfied. Mom of course does the motherly duty. She darts down to the nest and feeds the little guy beak to beak.
It seems the tree hugger in me is healthier than I thought. I actually find myself curious and protective. I don't want anyone to bother the nest. It is right next to my truck and in order to get past it you have to walk withing 2 feet of Feo's little nest. This concerns me and I have thought of other locations more suited but moving him again might be asking too much from the lucky stick powers. I should have found a better place for him at first but I was just sure he would be dead by morning so I didn't look too hard for a new site. So I find myself guarding the nest. I scold Priva (Dad's dog) if she gets too close. I stay clear as much as I can. Today when Sandy came over I actually thought to ask her to keep her voice down. I didn't ask her cuz for Sandy that is like telling her to shut up which in turn would be like cutting off one of her arms. Just rude so I refrained.
It appears Feo has a chance of survival here. The nest is still in place but I don't know whether it will hold up if he gets to be a great big fat guy. I didn't think to tie the thing down or anything. Maybe I should get some zip ties and secure it? Hate to seem him fall again. Then he would be the Fallen Fallen Feo. Not good.
The Saga lives on.
Update in 2 more days.
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