You see Feo's parents (the ones that built the nest that fell out of the palm tree) were feeding him a lot. He was growing quickly and I was starting to get high hopes that I had actually done a good thing. Little Feo was active and hungry full time. Early each morning Feo would start to chirp. It was fairly loud and very consistent. Every 2-5 seconds he would chirp. He was almost like a clock. Then if he got a hint the mum was around he would go into a chirp frenzy. Not only was it 10 times the intensity but it was accompanied by a dance and feather russel that would make a flamingo dancer or Vegas show girl envious. So mum, being the caring lovin mum that she was would purposely land a few branches away and make Feo come to her. Stretching his wings and practicing his much needed motor skills was surely the lesson. And mum did it well. So Feo regularly had to work for his meal. Dancing about in a mad frenzy was surely the goal mum was after.
So I notice that Feo has his right leg stuck on something. At first I can't tell but on closer inspection, after mum has flown off for more chow, is that a piece of the nest material is stuck on his little toe nail. The trouble is that the it is an artificial material that mum used to make the nest. Most of the nest is made of dry grass woven intricately amidst stiffer sticks. However mum must have thought herself quite clever when she wove in a piece of white cotton string she found being unattended somewhere. It was this very bit of cleverness that has now entangled poor Feo and effectively chained him to one small area of the nest. It has also wrapped around his leg several times making it very unlikely that he would be able to get himself free.
So in steps the very unnatural human observer (Scubatony) to cut the string and save Feo from almost certain death once more.
The next day without note or fanfare Feo was gone. Nest was there but Feo was not. I checked Priva (Dad's dog) for guilty look on her face but she was clean. Parents were gone as well. So I assume it was a happy ending for the little guy however my mind has thought up a little glitch in the whole "come to the aid of wayward wildlife" scenario.
What if Feo's parents suffered from a genetic defect which caused them to not properly attach their nests. If that were the case Feo would also be a likely carrier of that detrimental gene. If that were the case then Feo was not meant to live and pass on his genes to his offspring. Now he is likely to also poorly attach nests requiring an unnatural human observer to come to the rescue of Feo's fallen offspring. And the cycle continues over and over again.
These are the things that plague my mind......
ciao 4 now
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