Cruising across the top of Delila reef yesterday with Lyle, Izzy, Tanya and Taylor when I roll over an overhang. I spot the tail of a large grouper and move in closer to investigate. As I get closer I realize Mr grouper is voyeur. He is intently interested in two nurse sharks in front of him tucked into the reef. We can only see the tails of the sharks but one of them is slightly turned upwards. Their heads and upper bodies are stuck in a whole in the reef. There is not much movement at first. So all of us tuck in under the current to find a better vantage point. Like porn directors we all move in close. Undeterred the action begins. A little wiggle here and flick
of the tail there and a sudden rush and flurry and it appears the deed is done. A cloud of sand and, for lake a better term, "White stuff" comes pouring out from under the ledge. Mr Grouper rushes in like a movie extra/Key grip and begins feeding on white stuff I think. The larger shark moves out of the overhang and does a slow steady figure eight near by.

The other shark (smaller, possibly the female) keeps her head tucked under the ledge and Mr Grouper enjoys the moment basking in the afterglow that he was not part of. The larger male wanders around but does not go far or seem to care that we are there.
Unfortunately I did not have a camera with me to document the moment. These are some pix of what a nurse shark looks like. It was quite the show. I wonder if there is a market for Shark porn videos? Hum.. Lets
search the net..
ciao 4 now
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