Our little guy surviving well. Keeping his parents constantly on the run but they don't seem to mind. Here are a couple of pix to show ya the status of the Mr Ugliness

On a side note, watch out of the latest virus going around the internet. The file name is winpcdefender.exe and it actually looks like anti virus or anti spy ware software. It will throw pop ups at you trying to get to you to buy the product or reroute you to bogus websites. It disables your task manager and in some cases your registry editor which makes it particularly nasty to get rid of. some any virus software will spot it. My fathers Norton did not and I spent about 4 hours trying to get is sorted out. Luckily the net has lots of info on it and many programs like stopzilla and Avast will block it and get rid of it if you are already infected. It was delivered to my system as an email link from a friend of mine. Surely she had no idea she was infected. I did not click on it but my dad did. My friend Sandy got it too today. Just FYI.
Sunny and warm here. What else is new?
Ciao 4 now

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